About Us

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about us

Established Year: 2019

❖ Organization Status: : Non-Government Organization

❖ Level of Action: : Regional

❖ Registered under : Indian Trusts Act, 1882

Program/Operational Area : Assam and other Parts of India


We are committed “to create a people-centric society with ample scope of prosperity for all”.


Our mission to work for the upliftment of underprivileged and deprived section of people with the help of proper coordination of all actors and stakeholders of development process by considering the issues of equality and equity in terms of various development indicators.


The main objective of Asian Development Foundation is to work for the upliftment of the underpreviledged and deprived section with the vision of creating a people-centric society. However, the following objectives are formulated to carry out the work from right perspectives:

  1. To find out , examine and analyse relevent issues of the focus areas by using several methods and plan accordingly for the targeted population;
  2. To work for ensuring livelihood, education and sensitize people for a better healthy life ;
  3.  To work for environment, ecology, and disaster related issues to protect environment and wildlife as well as quick action for disaster response and rescues;and
  4. To promote  art, cuture, language and literature.


Before the existence of the organization, the members of the organizations have been working for the underprivileged and deprived communities individually or under the banner of some other organizations. Form our college days we were inclined towards the development of the underdeveloped communities. Specially during our field work we have acquired extensive knowledge of various problems existed in our societies related to life and livelihood, education, health & WASH, Ecology, art, and culture etc. And those problems are unnoticed by communities as well as we felt that because of improper way of communication and awareness those problems were not mitigated by concerned authorities. Later, we met in our professional career and planned to form an organization through which we can capitalize our knowledge and inherent expertise to bring the desired societal change after mitigating all those existing problems of underprivileged and deprived communities. As a result, we have formed our esteemed organization Asian Development Foundation on 15th June,2019.

About us

We the group of young and socially inclined enthusiastic people, who are working for the underprilled communities through various interventions under various thematic areas.  For last 7 to 10 years we have been working for different organizations and feel the need of our own organization to implemnet our ideas having any limitations to get the desizerd goal for  targeted communities. As per our discussion we have registered our oganization Asian Development foundation under Trust registration Act, in the year 2019. Since our inception we have organized numerous programs on health, education, livelihood, ecology and NRM related issues. We have long way to go and we are stressing on deeply aalysing the issues to provide long term solutions instead of focusing on project and funding. As we have mentioned in the very first line, we are socially inclined and we are definitely act on the gaps which are coming out after proper research and field work.

Values and Principles

Asian Development Foundation encourages the following Values to be practiced both at and Organizational level

➢ Honesty

➢ Transparency and Accountability

➢ Mutual respect

➢ Creativity

➢ Gender sensitiveness

➢ Cost efficiency

➢ Participation

➢ Solidarity

➢ Safe Guarding

❖ Guiding principles • Optimum Utilization of local Knowledge,

expertise and resources.

• Encouragement of innovation and creativity.

• Prioritizing quality.

• Enhancing coordination and networking.

• Accepting challenges

 Organization believes in

• The potential power of the underprivileged and deprived section of people to participate actively in development initiatives within their community.

• Equal opportunity for man and women in society irrespective of class, age, ethnicity,culture or religion

• Human Rights for including freedom of expression, movement, choice etc.

• Social harmony, Freedom for work, education and development.

Thematic areas/our work/ Intervention/Programmes : For the past years we have been organizing various Program under the following broad thematic Area

• Livelihood

• Health & WASH

• Education

• Ecology and NRM

Co-ordination & Collaboration

a. Govt. agencies,

b. Private entities,

c. Educational institutions,

d. Local bodies/institutions

Contact us

Registered Address:

Fatasil Ambari, P.O: Fatasil Ambari, P.S: Fatasil

Ambari, Pin: 781025, District: Kamrup, Assam, India

Communication Address:

Village and Post Office: Dihina, Police Station Hajo

Pin – 781382 District: Kamrup. Assam, India

Contact No: 7002709449/9954286638

Email ID: adf.ngo19@gmail.com


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