Changing life through precautionary and preventive measure!
For a country like India, where almost 220 million people are victims of hypertension. As per a recent ICMR Report, one in four adults in India suffers from hypertension. So it is advisable to precautionary and preventive measures to protect people from health hazard.
Considering such issues, the team of Asian Development foundation is organizing health awareness programs at micro level. As part of our intervention we are monitoring Blood pressure and sugar level. These two life threating health issues of current times create multiple health problems among masses irrespective of ages.
According to Doctor M. P. Sarma, the maximum life threating diseases are occurred due to lack of awareness. As per a study of ICMR, India is the home of the second highest number of people with diabetes in the world (69.2 million) and the numbers is expected to be increased rapidly in near future.
So, precautionary measures should be taken to protect the huge number of people from threats of health issues like stroke, cardiac arrest, kidney failure, liver cirrhosis, vision related issues, multi-organ failure, neuro problems etc.
From the inception of our organization, we have been taking measures to aware people about these issues. We are trying to protect them from these diseases at an early stage. Sumitra Kalita (35), one of our targeted beneficiaries told that she was highly benefited by the awareness programs and screening test of ADF.
“Now I am safe and healthy because ADF’s initiative. I thank them.”- She said.
As an NGO we always stress on various precautionary and preventive measures to save people from economic and health hazards.
Steps towards Hygienic way of Fish Drying!

Northeastern India is a hub of ingenious fishes having more than 400 species. Since pre-historic period, people of the region traditionally drying fishes because of its abundance during monsoon.
In Dishangmukh area of Sivasagar District, people are drying fishes traditionally. In that area we are trying to aware local inhabitants how they can adopt hygienic practices of fish drying, how they can protect dried fish from moistures and other harmful elements, how to protect dried fishes from flies and other insects with the help of indigenous herbs, providing market linkages etc.
District Fishery Officer, Soundarya Khound (Sivasagar) said- “People of Disangmukh area have inherent expertise of drying fishes, but they are not taking initiatives to maintain hygiene. Event they did not consider the moisture content of dried fishes which is the main cause of fungal attack that reduces the quality of dried fishes significantly. I am happy that ADF is taking initiative to mitigate all these problems to maximize the farmers’ profit.”
Furthermore, ADF is mobilizing farmers to take collective action in terms of market their produces. Mr. Regon Mili, a progressive farmer, thanking Asian Development Foundation for promoting hygienic way of drying fishes, storing and market linkages, said, ‘In coming years we hope to get more support and advices from Asian Development Foundation.”
As an NGO we the team of Asian Development Foundation, always prioritize the need of the underprivileged communities to enhance their income and make their lives better.